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New Year Resolution - Car / Vehicle Edition


A new year is a perfect time to set goals and resolutions to gear towards success. These resolutions are meant to make you a better person throughout the year by putting effort towards these goals. We believe being a better car owner is a great option for a resolution. Your car is your prized possession and companion on the road and we should all treat them as such. Here are some new year’s resolutions to treat your car better this year.

1. Learn how to jump-start your car

You have an important meeting in a few minutes. You get into your car and turn the key. The only sound you hear is your engine clicking, and that’s the sound of a dead battery! And things can get worse if you don’t know how to jump-start your car. You will have to wait for the mechanic to arrive or request your neighbor to help start your car. But, what if there’s no one to help. That’s why knowing how to jump-start your car is essential. You can avoid being stranded on the road or help a fellow traveler jump-start his vehicle with this knowledge.

2. Have a car maintenance checklist in place

Some vehicle owners don’t follow a car maintenance schedule and rush to the mechanic only when there’s a big issue. If you’re one of them, ditch that habit this year. Inspect your vehicle regularly and fix all the minor problems before they turn into severe ones. A car maintenance checklist can help you pay more care and attention to your car. Also, having a car maintenance checklist in place can help save you hundreds of dollars each year.


3. Make sure to have a well-stocked car emergency kit

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere, and having a car emergency kit can make all the difference in such situations. Every vehicle should have an emergency supply kit in the trunk. Kits should be checked every six months, and expired items should be replaced regularly. Vehicle emergency supply kits should include:

It's also a good idea to keep family and emergency phone numbers, including your auto insurance provider and a towing company, in your phone.


4. Learn all the dash symbols and how to fix it

Your car communicates its problems through the lights in your dashboard. Ignoring these warning lights can often lead to trouble. The warning lights are on because the components in your car are either activated, deactivated, malfunctioning, or need replacing. Get it checked by a mechanic and fix the problem as soon you notice it.

5. Fix punctures after removing nails from your tire on your own

Even the safest driver in the world can fall prey to a nail puncturing their tire. Some car owners don’t know how to change a flat tire and fix a puncture. Knowing these techniques can help you when you’re stuck in a place with no help or cell phone service. A simple YouTube tutorial can help you acquire this much-needed knowledge.

6. Make sure your car is as ready as you are before a road trip

We all love road trips. The scenic roads and the never-ending horizon will make our inner wanderlust happy. But sometimes a problem in your vehicle can play spoilsport. Therefore, this year before you head out for a road trip, make sure your car is as ready as you are.

7. Transform into a “clean car” person

If you commute, run a lot of errands, or have school-age kids, chances are you spend quite a bit of time in your car. And if you spend a lot of time in your car, it’s nearly impossible to keep it clean! Your options are either to take it to an auto detailer (which is almost always going to be expensive), or you can buckle down and clean it yourself.

But cleaning your car doesn’t have to be hard, take a ton of time, or cost a lot of money! So, whether you’re maintaining a clean car, or deep-cleaning a dirty car, these tips will help you get your car clean in no time!

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